I Was Always Thinking…

Maybe summer will bring me more bubbles…


(Open house at Headlands Center for The Arts )
fe8df556b37611e282a722000a1f9d5f_7(David Shrigley at Headlands Center for the Arts)

(On James Tucker’s ye ol’ boat Familia Santa)

When I was a little girl, I would dance and sing to this Saint Etienne song. Nothing much has changed, my love for this song. But, our challenges, barriers and difficulties, it’s scope is widened and is often masked  by a dark veil. We’ll get over it. To become stronger and more vigilant in our approach to better ourselves and our lives. Nothing like hitting the play button a few more times, just don’t get sick of it yet.

Summer is coming. What will it bring? Berries, flowers, stone fruits, heat heat heat.

Be nice jerks…


(Lonely geetar in a corner)